Where Can I Dump __________?

At Recycling Partners, we accept loads for dumping from commercial, industrial, and residential customers. Our commercial and industrial clients already know they can dump fill dirt, construction debris, pallets, etc. Our residential customers are usually the ones who ask, “Where can I dump _________?” In this blog, we fill in the blank for this question.

You Can Dump Almost Anything at Recycling Partners

Most of the time, when a homeowner is looking for a place to dump an item, it sounds like this: “where can I dump a mattress?” It’s usually something you can’t set out on the curb for your regular garbage pickup. That might be an appliance such as a hot water heater, a kayak, or a BBQ grill. Other popular large items include tires, lawn mowers, and furniture. All of these things are perfectly acceptable to bring to us for dumping.

Money-saving tip: We have a minimum fee for dumping, so it’s best to bring in a lot of things at one time instead of bring large items one at a time.

Note: Mattresses and tires have an added fee.

Let’s look at some other items you can take to Recycling Partners. Let’s say you are cleaning out the garage, the attic, and generally getting rid of household junk. Lots of the things you want to get rid of are either broken, worn out, or you just don’t want them anymore and no would buy them on Craigs List. Your plan is to put it all in the bed of your pick-up truck. You can dump:

  • Where can I dump a couch?all the kid’s broken toys
  • a bowling ball, skis, a basketball goal
  • the 10,000 nuts, screws, and bolts that you will never use in your lifetime
  • the worn-out couch in the bonus room
  • the dorm refrigerator made in China that quit working right after it’s 3 months warranty

If you really have more than a pick-up truck full of junk, you can rent a dumpster from Recycling Partners instead.

Recycling Partners Does Not Accept

Remember, we said you could dump almost anything. This is a list of the things you cannot dump at our site. It’s a pretty short list though.

  • Car batteries
  • Chemicals and liquid waste
  • Fuel and motor oil
  • Hazardous waste
  • Household garbage
  • Mercury
  • Paint
  • Solid waste
  • TV’s, computers, and other devices with CRT screens